Timor-Leste is one of the most food insecure countries in the world with more than 80% of the population relying on agriculture for both food and income. Timor-Leste has a mountainous topography and increasing climate-related hazards make it particularly susceptible to disasters. Increased temperatures, incidents of high winds, and decreased rainfall during the dry season are a few primary anticipated effects of climate change, all of which will increase the frequency and severity of disasters and contribute significantly to crop loss, crop productivity decline, and an increase in food security. Mercy Corps –Managing Risk through Economic Development (M-RED) program supports the most vulnerable households in smallholder farming communities in Timor-Leste to be more resilient to the adverse effects of climate change and natural disasters through a resilience approach that integrates disaster risk reduction (DRR) and risk-sensitive livelihoods. For part of their M-RED project, CVTL has been working together in Covalima Municipality.
Mr. Natalino de Araujo Relvas, is the CVTL staff member working as the Program Manager (M-RED) through CVTL Covalima Branch for a 12-month project that finishes this month of August.
With budget support from Mercy Cops, CVTL implemented services in Covalima Municipality, in six suku (village), and 15 aldeia (sub-village).
Mercy Corps assessed and identified priority communities that face the highest level of risk (landslides, floods, long dry periods (or drought) and strong winds).
Mr. Natalino explained that CVTL implements important relevant training activities for the community, including: Suco and Aldeia Contingency Plan training, basic training for Search and Rescue (SAR), First Aid (including a life-like simulation exercises); evacuation in a disaster training; family planning as part of disaster response, and sharing information door-to-door. CVTL also established Aldeia Disaster Management Commission (KJDA) and Suku Disaster Management Commission (KJDS) in six villages of: Biseuk, Kasabauk, Beco, Holpilat, Ogues and Belekasak and Fifteen sub-Village of: Foho rua, Baulela, Maucola,Bibiatan, Aidantuik, Baer, Wala, Wetaba, Tabolo, Gazolo, Illa, Loloba, Nainare, and Manuloor Leogore.
Natalino said these training activities for KJDS gives them the skills to respond to the increase in natural disasters created by climate change.
Climate change is real and happening now. Part of these activities is to educate the community in how to be prepared in responding to Climate Change. Although the changes in temperature are still seen to be relatively small, it can have a strong impact. Climate change can cause changes in rainfall (droughts or floods) and can cause flooding for those living close to rivers.
“We want the community to be prepared – so through training and information, we can improve disaster preparedness and response capacities, to ensure that communities are better prepared to face climate-related hazards. CVTL believes that it is important that our activities contribute to Timor-Leste becoming safer and more resilient, particularly in areas most affected by floods, landslides, and other environmental risks, and at the moment in the target area of Covalima Municipality,” said Mr. Natalino.
“Pre-disaster planning; preparing future prevention plans; mapping disaster risk areas and evacuation areas; is all part of the preparation for natural disasters, including identifying safe places for people and food reserves,” continued Mr. Natalino.
In May, 2024, there were devastating floods in the village Suai Loro in Covalima Municipality, and CVTL together with APC, Fire Brigade, NGO’s and Government to evacuate 243 households (528 families), and the community stayed in the evacuation center for 3 days at Suia State High School. This, with landslides had long-term impacts for the on the people, their homes, fields and animals.
“This is why this project is so important,” said Mr. Natalino. “CVTL and Mercy Corps are grateful to the authorities and communities for accepting us to implement the M-RED program for 1 year in Covalima Municipality, 6 Villages and 15 Sub-Villages. We hope this important work can continue”.
“This is why this project is so important,” said Mr. Natalino. “CVTL and Mercy Corps are grateful to the authorities and communities for accepting us to implement the M-RED program for 1 year in Covalima Municipality, 6 Villages and 15 Sub-Villages. We hope this important work can continue”.
Mr. Arlindo Bernadino Lemos, Chief of Beco Village said, “I am so happy that with CVTL, we now have Suku Disaster Management Commission (KJDS). My community in Vulneravel area has received First Aid and Suku Contingency plan training and information from CVTL for our community and community to increase our capacity so we can be prepared before a disaster strikes.”
“We hope that the community of Beco will use this important information so we can get through the next disaster, it can save lives – and our livelihoods. Until CVTL came to us for this training, we had never had the opportunity to learn on how to prepare for disasters, but now we do,” he continued.
Mrs. Nidia Freitas Cardozo, a community leader in Maucola Aldeia in Beco Suku, said, “I will share this experience, information, and First aid and Contingency plan training that I received from CVTL to my family and friends. I am very happy, because now, through this training, I am not afraid and feel much better prepared when disasters occur. I am very grateful to CVTL and Mercy Corps for this opportunity,” Mrs. Nidia said.
Mr. Agustino Amaral, Chief of Ogues Aldeia (Baulela Suku) said, “our community leaders received training from CVTL on first aid and information for disasters, including droughts, and strong winds. Through posters, we learnt about how to enter and leave houses during disasters. Some of the things we are likely to encounter and how to do family disaster response plans. We also practice first aid how to cut hands and feet with broken legs and bleeding.”
“I bring the voice of the community of Ogues to CVTL… We are so grateful for this important learning experience, and we hope that CVTL can continue sharing information to our village as well as other villages, so we can prepare for disasters, because every year, as we are always facing natural disasters”, Mr. Agustino concluded.
“Photo activities Contingency plan training with simulation exercise”.