Youth Service

Road safety
Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste (CVTL), World health Organization (WHO) and National Traffic police celebrate the world for road safety, along with the ministry of health, students, volunteers, communities on May 2015 with the theme Road safety in the weekend (save children and youth of the traffic accident).

Besides the Red Cross also distributed road safety stand flip chart for national traffic police of Timor-Leste

Cleaning up
Youth Red Cross School Club (senior high School 4 September and 28 November) have committed acts of cleaning up the areas that have been identified a lot of garbage in the school and city of Dili.

Tabaco session in Community
Youth Red Cross every month always gives information about Tabaco session against young people in community and young people in school to reduce the risk of disease caused by smoking.

Youth Healthy Training
Youth Department provide youth Healthy training to 13 branches and village to improve the skill and knowledge of the young people to become good leader and healthy to make strengthen the national society.

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