Empowering the community in Covalima to become more resilient in Natural Disasters

Every year we seem to face more and more disasters across the world. The Enhanced Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (E -VCA), is a participatory process developed for communities, with the support of Red Cross-National Societies like CVTL to become more resilient through the assessment and analysis of the risks they face and the identification of actions to reduce these risks.

Covalima Branch Coordinator Mr Simplicio Pereira

From the 29th  – 31st  August 2023,  CVTL  facilitated the Training of the Enhanced-Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment (e-VCA) in Lela, and Hatu Aldeias, Post Administrative Maucatar, Covalima Municipality.

Covalima Branch Coordinator, Mr Simplicio Pereira said: I found the E-VCA training was very good and very helpful because it is explained in detail how to identify risk that the communities face every year. It will help me do us and we can implement what we have learnt in the future when CVTL is planning with the community in the future.

Every year I see a growing number of disasters, flood, heavy rains, high winds and other disasters – impacting on our most vulnerable people. 

The training focused on enabling communities to manage disasters and hazards as well as looking at risk reduction so they can be more prepared when bad things happen.  Together, the workshop worked through issues like what is a disaster; the importance of good coordination, disaster reporting, understand and knowing the seasonal calendar, identification of problems that could happen and community action plans.

Disasters come in many forms, and the e-VCA training is very important for communities to increase their awareness and knowledge on how to manage the disaster hazards they face. Disasters can occur slowly and can last a long time, but we also know they can come suddenly and creating enormous damage. Empowering the community in planning around disasters, together with all involved can only give us stronger and better outcomes when natural disasters strike. #End.

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