Empowering Timorese Women Through Entrepreneurship Training

Dili, February 1-2, 2024 – The Timor-Leste Red Cross (CVTL) took a significant step towards empowering women in local communities by organizing a two-day training session on entrepreneurship and business processes development, for  women’s groups from Lahane Ocidental and Lahane Oriental Villages. The primary aim was to enhance participants’ knowledge, enabling them to contribute to the improvement of their family’s economic well-being.

The training, attended by a total of 27 participants (26 female and 1 male), unfolded at the CVTL National Headquarters. Expert trainers from the Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Empresarial (IADE) guided the sessions, offering valuable insights into entrepreneurship and the development of sustainable business processes. The 26 female participants, representing the heart of their communities, embraced the opportunity to learn and engage in activities that can positively impact not only their lives but also the broader community.

This empowering initiative was made possible through the collaboration and support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Timor-Leste. The partnership between CVTL and IOM underscores a commitment to uplifting local communities and fostering self-reliance among women. The training not only equipped participants with essential business skills but also fostered a sense of empowerment and self-confidence.

The entrepreneurship and business processes development training laid the foundation for economic progress in Lahane Ocidental and Lahane Oriental Villages. As participants return to their communities armed with newfound knowledge, they are expected to play pivotal roles in initiating and sustaining local economic activities. The ripple effect of this training is anticipated to extend beyond individual families, positively influencing the economic landscape of the entire region.

The success of this initiative not only reflects the dedication of CVTL, IADE, and IOM in supporting local empowerment but also signals the potential for transformative change within Timor-Leste’s grassroots communities. As these women apply their acquired skills and knowledge, they are not just shaping their own destinies but contributing to the broader socioeconomic development of the nation. The collaborative efforts showcased in this training set a promising precedent for future initiatives aimed at fostering sustainable growth and empowerment at the community level.

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