5th December, 2023 Today we recorded a Talk Show to discuss rubbish issues in Dili. This is part of a Programme that CVTL is involved with to try to socialize with the community about where they throw their rubbish.
With the journalist Erlia Sequeira from RTTL was President of the Municipality Authority of Dili Guilhermina Filomena Saldanha Ribeiro who spoke about the Decree Law 33/2008 on Hygiene and Public Order; Secretary General of CVTL Luis Pedro Pinto who spoke about the mandate of CVTL, advocacy and coordination; and the Director of SSM Dili, Agostinha da C.S Segurado and the impact rubbish has on health.
CVTL Dili Brach volunteers joined the discussion and asked some excellent questions of the speakers.
This TV programme will be shown next week n RTTL and we will inform you when we know the date and time of the programme.
CVTL signed an agreement with SASCAS to implement this activity. CVTL would like to thank the speakers and SASCAS for supporting this important initiative.