CRS Donates Five Motorbikes to CVTL for Agricultural Support

“CRS Sustainable Targeted Results of Nutrition Growth Program Project in Timor-Leste Donates Five Motorbikes to CVTL Staff for Agricultural Support”

In a significant stride towards promoting nutrition and supporting agricultural initiatives in Timor-Leste, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) recently handed over five motorbikes to Cruz Vermelha de Timor-Leste (CVTL). The donation aims to bolster the efforts of the Nutrition Project dedicated to enhancing the nutritional well-being of young women through agricultural activities. By producing nutritious food in sufficient quantities and of high quality, the project aims to address nutritional challenges in the region and contribute to the overall health and well-being of the community.

The official handover ceremony was attended by key figures from both organizations, including the Secretary-General of CVTL and the Country Manager of CRS in Timor-Leste. The collaboration between CVTL and CRS reflects a shared commitment to improving nutrition through sustainable agricultural practices. The motorbikes provided by CRS, will play a crucial role in facilitating the mobility of staff involved in the project, enabling them to efficiently carry out their responsibilities and contribute to the success of the initiative.

The event not only highlighted the collaborative spirit between CVTL and CRS but also emphasized the importance of partnerships in addressing pressing issues such as malnutrition. The involvement of key personnel from both organizations underscores the dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of the local population, particularly young women, by ensuring access to nutritious food and promoting sustainable agricultural practices in Timor-Leste.

2 thoughts on “CRS Donates Five Motorbikes to CVTL for Agricultural Support”

    • Obrigadu barak ba ita nia mensagem. Ami bele hatene informasaun saida mak ita presija? Halo favor hakbesik an ba edifisiu CVTL ne’ebé besik iha Ita Boot nia hela fatin.Ou bele komunika ami liu husi email, [email protected]


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