Ainaro, 14 december 2021 – The Red Cross of Timor – Leste (CVTL) and the Cabinet Supporting of Civil Society (GASC) handed over one unit of a public toilet to the community of Aihou sub-village, Aitutu village, Maubisse sub-administrative Ainaro municipality.
General Secretary of CVTL, Luis Pedro Pinto said that this public toilet was built with financial support from GASC and it was implemented through CVTL cooperated with local authorities in Ainaro Municipality.
“CVTL built this public toilet with integrated equipped of clean water, the purpose of this public toilet was built to facilitate the passengers in their traveling to municipalities,”
Pinto hopes that the Aihou community can keep this public toilet to be used by the public for a long time.
The Representative of Civil Society Support Jaime dos Reis said GASC helped a small fund to the CVTL because the public toilet program is a national program that aggregates all public health’s interests.
This public toilet program aims to promote public health in public places to maintain a clean environment.
GASC will provide funds to build more public toilets on the public road to facilitate the movement of people and their contribution to public health in Timor – Leste.
The Ambassador of South Korea in Timor – Leste Kim Jeong Ho appreciated this public toilet program saying, this program can be implemented in other municipalities to maintain public health across the Timor – Leste.
“I appreciate this program and we are willing to help Timor-Leste to implement this public toilet program in other municipalities in the future,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Sub-Administrative, Claudino Mendonca said will ask all local leaders and youths in Aitutu Village to maintain the cleanliness of this public toilet to be used by the public for a long time.
“I will coordinate with the sub-village head and village head for the maintenance of this public toilet by charging 0.25 cents for the users of this public toilet. The collection of this money is one of the contributions to repairing public toilet facilities to be used for a long time,” he said
“On behalf of the people of Aitutu Village I thank CVTL and GASC for establishing the public toilet in our village, I am sure with this public toilet will attract many tourists to visit the beautiful scenery in our village, they will feel comfortable in Aitutu Village because there are toilet facilities. With the presence of tourists, they will buy local products from farmers to strengthen the economy of the people of Aitutu,” he added
Public toilet in Ainaro, Aitutu was built by the Red Cross of Timor – Leste for two months starting from September 2021 to November with a total budget of $US 14,411.71 which is facilitated by Cabinet Support of Civil Society from the Government of Timor – Leste.