The Hidden Words
On the 4th of April 2021, Matias de Jesus,- 28 years old, and his wife Angelita,24 years old, are doing their normal with their daughter in Aldeia Lemorana, Suco Dare, Administrative Post Vera Cruz, Dili District.
They live happily and very harmonic in a 10×10 m2 half bricks wall house expecting a new baby who is still in the mother’s womb. Matias had constructed the house when was working in a shop in Dili. He raised as well a local pig; local chicken and duck; and planting some trees around their property.
In the evening of fourth of April, Matias brought his pig to a neighbour’s property. Usually he just keeps it in his own.
Then they had dinner and continued having a rest. Then, the raining started and continued pouring torrentially.
Matias explained, the rain was heavier in the middle of the night. He woke his wife and daughter up then brought them to a neighbor’s house as located on a higher place. Another reason, the wife was pregnant and counting days to deliver the baby.
“My house was completely washed out by the flood, including the outdoor kitchen,” said Matias.
And Angelita added,”This recently rain ruined our house. We brought some a few clothes and some documents. I had prepared these documents before. At the time my priority was had to be move away of our house.”
Matias continued,”As we were in the neighbor’s house for a while, I checked our property. The flood had started washing away the plants; the chicken and ducks; and the fruit trees as the Rambutan. My house was completely washed away, including the outdoor kitchen.”
“My wife could not sleep as watching the condition of our house. I told her that no needs to think too much about it. Our lives are the most important.”
“And the flood starting washed the property of other neighbors. Seven house of them in total.”
Angelita said as that their neighbors were evacuated to a shelter in Balide.
Mario was very upset as he is not a permanent worker and now do not work anywhere in Dili
“I am very sad but do not want to think about it too much as it could gives us bad impact.
We were in a neighbor’s house for two days and keep looking after the save pig and the three chicken before moving to a shelter provided by the government.
Angelita said,”We were the Fire Department Office for a while and then moved to The CVTL as I was pregnant.”
They are at the CVTL for 6 days already.
“I feel save in CVTL as close to a clinic. The CVTL had provided a space for sleeping, the matras, clothes for kids, food for breakfast until dinner, access to a bathroom. Everything is good,” said Angelita.
Angelita added that she had planning to back to her house but will stay for a while in a neighbor’s house will start rehabilitate their property whom. The neighbor had welcome them.
“Yesterday (11/04/2021) we heard that will be moved to the Escola Xina. We are going home as prefer to be in CVTL.”
On the 11th Angelina was feeling like to be delivering soon. She was transported to the hospital at 21.04pm with a car. The baby was provided by the CVTL with blanket, diapers, clothes, and others supplies”.
Matias was upset with the situation but the presence of the baby boy had cheered them.
In a happy face Matias said,” My house was totally washed away by the flood but happy at the moment as the presence of the baby even in the shelter of evacuation. Sad feel sad too because I don’t know where to stay as our house been washed away.”
And Angelita had added,” I am happy for the baby born in a normal process but sad as well with this situation. Nothing to say more.”
On the 12th Matias and the other 24 families had been reintegrated to their community from the CVTL even had to stay for a while in a closer neighbor in Dare. Matias and the other families had been assisted with some basic supplies from the CVTL.