Covid-19 pandemic had infected the world including Timor-Leste and caused numbers of death. According to the official number, new cases had multiplied from 100 to around 1,000 cases in the last month which had impacted the health system of Timor-Leste which is fragile.
A week after the Inundation in Timor-Leste of the fourth of April 2021 had caused 42 people died. More than 30,000 inhabitants affected directly of inundation and landside which caused the inhabitants had to evacuate themselves to be be safer of them self and the family. Offices, hall of schools and churches became emergency of evacuation centre. Halls of Don Bosco in Comoro; Salesian Nuns in in Comoro and Balide; CVTL Offices; EBF 5 de Maio Comoro; and Balide Church turned to be centre of evacuation.
There were 24 households with 98 habitants composed of 56 female; 42 male; children under 5 years old; 7 pregnant mothers; 12 breast feeding mothers; and two people with deficiency in the CVTL main office.
In The second day of raining, some kids were in centre of evacuation of main office CVTL started look for the parents and relatives to be cuddled or for more comfortable feeling. Based on that observation, the volunteers start thinking to avoid the kids from trauma. Is the flood happening again? If happening now, where we going?
They heard a kid asking the mother,” Is another rain like yesterday happening again? Will the flood be happening?
Based on the observation, a few following days, two youth volunteer of CVTL (Tety and Sonya) had came to the Centre of Evacuation at CVTL where some kids were in a very silent and calm corner.
Teti greets the kids loudly,” Hey kids, how are you?”
No one had responded.
Tety tried greeted them in another word,” Who wants to go to school?”
A kid responds,” My school had been inundated!”
“We are in Covid so no school!” said another kid.
Tety and Sonia respond softly,” Let’s go to a school next door, it is not inundated.”
Four kids following them to the other hall.
On the way to the hall, Tety and Sonya were singing the song “We are in the car of Love (Ita sae kareta domin nian) and clapping their hands. The kids were doing too so it woke up the others whom were on their mattress and follow them to the other hall.
When all of the kids had sit and had a piece of paper, they drew anything the love. Every one loves their family. All of them stick the drawing as it has finished.
There were two different paintings.
Tety: “Hey Mika, what did you draw?’”
Mika: “I draw my Father, mother, and my younger one.”
This had confused this young lady as in this picture handed by Mika only a house, nothing else. Calmly, Tety asked the kid the location of the house of father and mother.
Other activities were organized from 6 to 11 April 2021. The CVTL Youth share information how to prevent the flood. They share the benefit of the rain to the planet.
Based on the observation, before leaving the CVTL on the 12 April 2021, the kids seemed happy. Since the activity organized by the Youth the kids are ore active in the area of the CVTL compare to the days before.