Initiating a Transformative Alliance: Timor-Leste Red Cross (CVTL) and American Red Cross (AmRC) Forge Strategic Partnership in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Action

Initiating a Transformative Alliance: Timor-Leste Red Cross (CVTL) and American Red Cross (AmRC) Forge Strategic Partnership in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Action

Dili, 18-22 December 2023  – The Timor-Leste Red Cross (CVTL) and the American Red Cross have joined forces under the Unified Plan supported by IFRC in a strategic partnership effective from the year 2024. The collaboration is designed to fortify Disaster Risk Management (DRM) systems at the national, municipal, and community levels, focusing on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Action initiatives.

This unprecedented alliance aims to bring together the strengths and expertise of both sister organizations to address the growing challenges posed by natural disasters and climate change in Timor-Leste. By combining resources, knowledge, and innovation, the partnership seeks to establish a comprehensive and integrated approach to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

The partnership will work towards enhancing the overall national disaster resilience framework in Timor-Leste. This includes the development and implementation of robust policies, strategies, and organizational capacity building as well as coordination mechanisms to ensure a unified and effective response to emergencies.

Recognizing the importance of localized efforts, the collaboration will concentrate on strengthening DRM capabilities at the municipality level. This involves capacity building, training programs, improved local policies and the establishment of community-centric early warning systems to empower local communities in the face of disasters.

The heart of the partnership lies in empowering communities to actively participate in their own resilience. Community-based DRR initiatives will be a priority, involving education, awareness campaigns, and the development of sustainable practices to reduce vulnerabilities.

With climate change exacerbating the frequency and intensity of disasters, the alliance will integrate Climate Action into DRM efforts. This includes measures such as promoting sustainable practices, adaptation strategies, and the incorporation of climate-smart technologies to build resilience against the impacts of a changing climate.

“This partnership marks a significant step forward in our commitment to building a resilient Timor-Leste. By combining the strengths of the Timor-Leste Red Cross and the American Red Cross, we are not only pooling resources but also fostering a culture of collaboration and shared learning,” said Luis Pedro Pinto, Secretary General of the Timor-Leste Red Cross.

“In the face of increasing global challenges, it is imperative for organizations to work together to create meaningful and lasting change. The American Red Cross is honored to join forces under the Unified Plan supported by IFRC with the Timor-Leste Red Cross to strengthen disaster resilience and climate action efforts at every level,” stated Achala Navaratne, Global Division Director for Asia Pacific of the American Red Cross.

This strategic partnership is poised to make a lasting impact on the disaster resilience landscape in Timor-Leste, bringing hope and tangible progress to communities facing the ever-growing threat of natural disasters and climate change. In ensuring the seamless integration of our initiatives, it’s noteworthy that all our efforts are aligned with the unified plan of the CVTL developed in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

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